Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on 401k

One of the most overlooked parts of growing older would be planning for the future, including retirement. Younger people take this situation lightly as it seems so far off into the future for them, thus it is an area that is subject to procrastination. I myself have had two jobs at different guitar shops, where I paid into their respective retirement plans. However, to date I have no clue what happened to my contributed funds, as I no longer have employment with those companies. People are expected to have longer life expectancies now more than ever before, this is another reason why young adults and teenagers are not worried about saving for their retirement. The seventy-seven million people that were born between 1943 and 1960, also known as the baby boomer generation face an entirely different situation all together. As they age and began to retire, these people are starting to think that there will be no money left for them and this will turn into a huge crisis of overwhelming proportion. What will happen when the seventy-seven million baby boomers start to want or need the money they paid in throughout their long and hard working careers and there is no money left for them? â€Å"From a CNN/POLL: Financial Condition of Social Security Crisis 31% Problems, not a crisis 55% No problem 10% Asked of all Americans Will Social Security go bankrupt before you retire? Yes 54% No 42% Asked of Americans under age of 65 if Social Security did not exist, could you save enough to retire? Yes 44% No 52% Asked of Americans under age of 65 who should control Social Security Investments? Individuals 80% Government 14% asked of all Americans† ( There are some retirement provisions available to the masses, such as Social Security and 401(k) plans that are there to help when deciding how to properly save your hard earned cash. Social Security began more than seventy years ago, in the... Free Essays on 401k Free Essays on 401k One of the most overlooked parts of growing older would be planning for the future, including retirement. Younger people take this situation lightly as it seems so far off into the future for them, thus it is an area that is subject to procrastination. I myself have had two jobs at different guitar shops, where I paid into their respective retirement plans. However, to date I have no clue what happened to my contributed funds, as I no longer have employment with those companies. People are expected to have longer life expectancies now more than ever before, this is another reason why young adults and teenagers are not worried about saving for their retirement. The seventy-seven million people that were born between 1943 and 1960, also known as the baby boomer generation face an entirely different situation all together. As they age and began to retire, these people are starting to think that there will be no money left for them and this will turn into a huge crisis of overwhelming proportion. What will happen when the seventy-seven million baby boomers start to want or need the money they paid in throughout their long and hard working careers and there is no money left for them? â€Å"From a CNN/POLL: Financial Condition of Social Security Crisis 31% Problems, not a crisis 55% No problem 10% Asked of all Americans Will Social Security go bankrupt before you retire? Yes 54% No 42% Asked of Americans under age of 65 if Social Security did not exist, could you save enough to retire? Yes 44% No 52% Asked of Americans under age of 65 who should control Social Security Investments? Individuals 80% Government 14% asked of all Americans† ( There are some retirement provisions available to the masses, such as Social Security and 401(k) plans that are there to help when deciding how to properly save your hard earned cash. Social Security began more than seventy years ago, in the...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Critically evaluate english's law's approach to the issue of marriages Outline

Critically evaluate english's law's approach to the issue of marriages between persons of the same sex - Outline Example ship in UK, civil union and registered partnership between same sex couple was legalized under the Civil Partnership Act of 2004 ( a). The number of same sex couples has been constantly increasing. Since same sex couples are legally allowed to enter into Civil Partnership agreement, the number of same sex couples registered under Civil Partnerships reached up to 6,281 couples (3,227 gay couples and 3,054 lesbian couples) (Office for National Statistics). Although Civil Partnership in UK provides same sex couples with almost the same privilege and rights of marriage, there are still some differences between Civil Partnerships and marriage. Specifically in Civil Partnerships, the concept of adultery was removed as a ground for Civil Partnership dissolution (Barker; Barker). This is true since adultery in the legal definition can take place only to heterosexual couples (Bindmans Civil Partnership). In the case of marriage, adultery is a major offense which is legally acknowledged as a ground for marriage dissolution (ibid). Unlike in marriage, the ground of non-consummation for nullity is not applicable in Civil Partnership making Civil Partnership as good as a legal status instead of a family relationship (Barker; Cretney). For this reason, Civil Partnership can be used by friends for tax haven purposes. Since Civil Partnerships is still not recognized by the UK government as marriage, a lot of opposing parties argue that Civil Partnership violates the Equality Act 2010 and some Articles of the European Convention on Human Rights (Bamforth; Government Equalities Office). The case of Wilkinson v Kitzinger [2006]1 is a good example wherein the same sex couples are fighting for the idea that same sex couples should not be excluded in the institution of marriage because of public discrimination particularly in workplace (Bell). Although Wilkinson and Kitzinger were legally married in Canada, their married was considered void in UK because of the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Pope Jon Paul II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Pope Jon Paul II - Essay Example The Pope helped in demolishing the communist regimes. The state had a monopoly over most property which was collectively owned. This monopoly extended to intellectual property as well. Marxism was the only philosophy that one could profess. The church was the first to break free and give the citizens an alternative to the state run concepts. Poland was a case in point. If one wanted to know what was actually transpiring there, one could pick up an underground newspaper. To view paintings by artistes who were not officially commissioned by the government, one had to go to the basement of a church. Even plays would be performed there. While the priests of the church did not involve in any of the above-mentioned activities, they offered the church premises for such activities. The priests of the church were following the example set by Pope John Paul II in his youth during the Nazi days. In the words of the Pope, "Fidelity to roots is always creative, ready to descend into the depths, open to new challenges." (qtd in Applebaum). His emphasis on roots made him refer directly to faith which he proclaimed to people at large. According to him, faith was to be openly and publicly expressed. He used various cultural references in those very countries where the governments restricted culture. John Pauls particular way of expressing his faith -- publicly, openly, and with many cultural and historical references -- was explosive in countries whose regimes tried to control both culture and history along with everything else. As reported in the Washington Post by Applebaum, when the Pope visited Poland in 1979, he told them not to be afraid. Unlike what the regime thought, there was a sea of humanity waiting to greet the Pope. Hence this model could be demonstrated in other communist countries like East Germany and East Germany (‘How the Pope Defeated

Monday, November 18, 2019

The CEO of WRSX Has Asked You to Write a Short Educational Piece That Essay

The CEO of WRSX Has Asked You to Write a Short Educational Piece That Will Be Given to the Board Of Directors - Essay Example They operate in United States, Europe as well as in Asia pacific. In a survey conducted on the marketing communications and advertising industry the score of the company was below average. Though the customer retention and attraction capability of the company is pretty good, but in other areas of business the performance of the company is not attractive for the investors. This report is an attempt to analyze the reasons of underperforming of the shares of WRSX group and recommend about the changes that may be undertaken by the company management to gain more market shares. The researcher will conduct internal analysis of the company and describe the benefits of internal analysis to the board of directors of the company. Internal Analysis For conducting the internal analysis of the company the researcher will use the SWOT analysis tool and the resource based view analysis (Snell and Bohlander, 2012, pp.53-54). Resource Based View The resource based view analysis of a company is conduc ted to analyze the resources available to the company which can be profitable when it is used strategically. For analyzing this, VRIN framework has been made by the researchers. This framework identifies the valuable, rare, in-imitable and non substitutable resources of the company (helfat, 2007, p.45). For the resource based view analysis the VRIO framework is used to identify the valuable resources and utilized them at their best (Peng, 2008, p.71). The analysis of WRSX using the VRIN framework is as follows. Valuable: The valuable asset of the company is the capability of the team to perform locally. They understand the local customer needs more. Rare: The capability of the company to attract the customers and retain them is the best in the concerned industry (Sanchez, 2008, p.34). This capability will provide them above average return if they use the resources strategically. In-imitable: There are no such in-imitable resources of the company. Other companies in the industry can imitate these resources available to them (McKinney, 2008, p.2). As the advertising and marketing communications is a fast moving industry, so there is enough chance for the company management to develop such resources. Non-Substitutable: The non-substitutable nature of the asset of a company means that the company owns such asset that cannot be imitated by the competitors by any means, and meet the customer needs (Carter, Clegg and Kornberger, 2011, p.87). WRSX doesn’t have such assets which can be substituted by some other asset. Though the company has some valuable resources but they are not using those strategically at present. SWOT Analysis The SWOT analysis of the company is a popular tool for the analysts as it describes the strength, weakness, opportunities and threat of the company (Handlechner, 2008, p.10). Using this tool the management of the company can improve in the areas of their weaknesses, use the opportunities and can take effective steps for facing the thr eats for the company (Mello, 2003, p.43). The SWOT analysis of the company is as follows Strength: The Company prefers to provide service locally. They followed the ‘

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Rise And Fall Of Military Rule

Rise And Fall Of Military Rule Militarism was the dominant force in the politics of Latin America in recent history. The rise of military rule in twentieth century Latin America has, to a large extent, shaped the political life of the nations in the region and also produced literature on this form of authoritarianism known as bureaucratic authoritarianism. These authoritarian regimes were unparalleled in their brutality and suppression of civil society and political movements. The bureaucratic authoritarian regime was the predominant political trend in Latin America during the mid 1960s which began with the Brazilian coup of 1964, Argentina in 1966 and 1976, Chile and Uruguay in 1973. This essay begins with the military intervention from earlier years (1930) which will be distinguished from the succession of coups that began with Brazil in 1964, and then treats the factors that brings about military rule in the region, the rise and decline of military dictatorship in Latin America with focus on Brazil, Chile and Argentina. The kind of regimes the military puts up, the reasons behind their fall with particular emphasis and evidence on the fact that military rule is bad for development in the region and the possibility of a comeback of military dictatorship in the 21st century Latin America will also be highlighted. It is pertinent to distinguish the succession of coups that began with brazil in 1964 from earlier interventions between 1930 and 1964.The military frequently intervened in national politics after 1929 the Brazilian military acted as arbitrator in domestic conflicts in 1930, 1937 and 1945.The Argentine militaries overthrew the radicals in 1930, the conservatives in 1943, and Juan Domingo Peron in 1955 (Wynia, 1990).In later years, they interfered occasionally to subdue dictatorial presidents and help set up democratic governments as it happened in Venezuela in 1945 and 1958. Military rule was temporary during this period, Latin America armies engaged in breakthrough coups targeted at replacing one group of civilian leaders with another preferred with the use of their weapons. In contrast, the generals who took over after 1964 came to stay. There are several reasons as to why the military constantly intervenes in the politics of Latin America, professional military officers in the 1960s and 1970s blamed the poor conditions in Latin America on the corruption of civilian politicians and the institutions of liberal democracy, they concluded that economic development and political stability could only be achieved with the establishment of long term military rule. Economic crisis prompted military interventions in that they could result in popular unrest which could provoke disorder; the governments inability to control the situation is a basis for military coups. The military was also motivated to create a more orderly political process distinct from what they were used to in the past of which they themselves contributed to with all the periodic coups. They were determined to create a new political order which they did with the use of force. Military intervention in Latin America is also influenced by foreign governments who use local armies to defend and uphold their interest as at when due. Conspiracies involving foreign agents are covertly organised like the Chilean coup of 1973 of which Allende was overthrown and eventually killed and General Pinochet assumed president fully supported by US authorities (Livingstone, 2009). Revelations from the US senate investigations proved how foreign agents can trigger military interventions. The fact is that military intervention really made no difference in the economic development in the region nor did it bring to an end political unrest rather, resistance began to grow as many became affected, dissidents were either jailed or killed and many people began to disappear, so was the situation of things after the military took over the political life in Latin America. The military of Brazil in 1964 adopted the national security doctrine which states that the nations interest supersedes that of the individual, citizens are mandated to do everything possible to protect the nation. A succession of authoritarian regimes governed Brazil from 1964 to 1985. The military overthrew the Goulart government which was having difficulties controlling the state of the economy which had deteriorated rapidly in 1962 and 1963.The Brazilian generals created a regime in which they would govern the nation as leaders of the armed forces rather than hand power over to a single officer who would eventually become a one man dictator. However there was the need to elect one amongst them to serve as chief executive to enhance orderliness and also to prove to the public that someone was in charge. General Castello Branco was immediately elected as the new president by congress and served until 1967.during his regime, inflation was reduced but not as expected, his government was still unable to achieve economic stabilization. (Wynia, 1990) President Artur Costa e Silva was the next military president to rule from 1967-1969, his authoritarian government used dictatorial measures to achieve its idea of rapid economic development. General Ernesto Geisel assumed presidency in 1974 after Costa e Silva suffered a debilitating stroke in 1969 and years of guerrilla movements. Thereafter president Joao Figueiredo took over in 1979 and ruled until 1985.During this era of military rule in Brazil, political activists and dissidents were jailed as well as anyone who contended with the authoritarian rule. The military interdicted labour movements, political parties and student organisations, civilians had no say whatsoever. On the economic scene, the implementation of structural adjustment programs aimed at controlling inflation actually achieved a certain measure of success and rapid economic growth thereafter causing the military to brag of performing a miracle when in actual fact it was just a case of the military being in the right place at the right time. Wynia (1990) states that what propelled Brazil to speedy economic growth was mainly the combination of foreign and state investments supplemented by domestic private efforts in commerce and agriculture. the use of authoritarian rule to enforce harsh austerity only made the plights of the peasants worse, the miracle began to fade, inflation had risen to over a 100 percent, foreign debts mounted reaching $80 billion in 1982 also the world recession in 1981 and 1982 depressed the value of Brazilian exports (Skidmore and Smith, 2005). This period marked the beginning of the decline of military regime in Brazil. The Argentine military assumed power in June 1966 with the intention of a revolution after the removal of president Illia from office. Three successive army generals attempted to rehabilitate the country politically and economically. General Juan Carlos Ongania took over presidency and considered his regime irrevocable stating repeatedly that there would be no elections for a long time. Ongania made some economic progress by opening the mining industry to foreigners and slowing down price increases, however, his regime was more of the technocrat than the politician. He repressed the national labor movement and jailed its leaders, there was rising resentment throughout the country and in a bid to put an end to it, the military ousted Ongania from office and General Roberto Livingston was named president (Fernandez, 1973). General Livingstons leadership was not any better despite all his political promise of Argentina returning to democratic normalcy. By March 1971, Argentines became openly dissatisfied at the economic and political crisis, the military stepped in once again, removed Livingston and General Lanusse was named president. Lanusse intention was to achieve a new political order and opted for a relegalization of political parties, he took even a greater gamble by allowing Peron return to presidency. The military returned after the Peronista government of 1973 and fell apart with the death of Peron a year later, Isabel his wife and successor could neither hold the government together. General Jorge Rafael Videla took over in March 1976 and launched a vicious campaign dirty war against the opposition, guerrilla movements were on the rise seeking the overthrow of the government and the installation of a socialist regime along Marxist-Leninist lines. The junta embarked on an all out war against its opposition, there were the desaparecidos, those who disappeared and were never heard of (Skidmore and Smith, 2005).The dictatorship affected society in Argentina, people lived in fear and the economy suffered. Videla handed over presidency to General Roberto Viola in 1981; Viola was replaced by Army commander-in-chief general Leopoldo Galtieri who went to war over the Falkland/Malvinas Island with Britain. The British defeated and humiliated the Argentines and also blocked European trade with Argentina for three months to punish Galtieri economically, the Argentine economy went from bad to worse. In 1983, there was a transition from military to civilian government with radical party candidate Raul Alfonsin emerging as president. The new regime was committed to prosecute military officers involved in the killing or disappearance of more than 10,000 people. Nine military commanders-in-chief were charged for crimes committed and sentenced to prison.No other Latin America government had dared prosecute its officers for crimes committed during a military regime (Skidmore and Smith, 2005) The government of General Augusto Pinochet seized power on September 11, 1973 by overthrowing the elected government of socialist president Salvador Allende (Arturo, 1984). The Chilean coup of 1973 was justified by the new military government as necessary to restore order, avoid class warfare and salvage the economy, the government set out to impose on Chile a bureaucratic authoritarian regime. The first four years of the junta brought about terrible human rights abuses, thousands of civilians linked with the Popular Unity parties were murdered, tortured, jailed, brutalized or exiled. International organisations and the Roman Catholic Church condemned the widespread violations of human rights in Chile and as such, the church came into constant conflict with the junta. General Pinochet emerged dominant figure; his government was a one-man dictatorship with the rest of the junta under his command. He made himself commander in chief of the military and chief executive of the state, Pinochet alone commanded power. Caistor (2006) reveals Pinochets use of brutal force to impose order on the country in a reign of terror that killed more than 3,000 Chileans and thousands tortured or forced to live in exile abroad. The United States under the Carter administration criticised Pinochet for the 1976 assassination of Orlando Letelier, the former Chilean ambassador to the US under the Allende regime. On the economic front, Skidmore and Smith (2005) states that civilian technocrats known as the Chicago boys introduced significant changes in the economic policy. They reasoned that what restricted Chiles economic growth was the governments intervention in the economy which results to reduced competition, artificially increased wages that leads to inflation. The ec onomic boom proved to be short-lived, there was an economic crisis by the end of 1981, exports and foreign credit fell sharply, unemployment soared to 30 percent, real wages fell and GNP dropped 13 percent in the same year. (Edgardo, 1986) General Pinochet stepped down in March 1998 after seventeen years as a military dictator; he was arrested in London in October 1998 at the request of a Spanish magistrate to prosecute him for human rights violation of Spanish citizens. The periods of protracted military rule in Latin America failed to bring about enduring economic recovery or re-ordering the Civilian political system which were some of the reasons why the military claimed to have intervened in the politics of the region. They have proved unable to cope with crisis on the economic front, bereft of ideas once an initial policy has turned sour (Cammack, 1985). In essence, military rule can be argued to be bad for development as it does not produce durable solutions to political and economic issues. Its interest is more of selfish purpose is and always ready to shut down any opposition with the use of force, the people have no say whatsoever. The twenty first century augurs very well for Latin America societies with the decline of military rule. Finer (1976) provides an explanation as to why these military regimes fall from power. He states that the military suffers from two crippling political weaknesses: their technical inability to administer and their lack of legitimacy to rule. The failure of the armed forces to establish legitimacy affected their downfall, legitimacy is necessary because a government cannot adequately rule by using force alone. However, this does not mean that a regime cannot rule without legitimacy, but as Finer implied, the threat of physical compulsion is not an efficient, i.e. an economical, way of securing obedience. (Finer, 1976:16). Futhermore, rule by force alone will eventually be challenged by anyone strong enough to try, this explains the fact that military coups are often always followed by a succession of counter coups The decline of military rule in Latin America can also be associated to the fact that the generals were not properly prepared for the task, their education hardly offered any preparation for the reorganization of complex economic and social institutions. Military regime seems to follow a similar direction in the region, starting boldly with achieving economic stabilization which eventually declines as a result of economic crisis or social and political reconstruction. However, the military of Latin America may be out but definitely not down. It is rather utopian to say the military have abdicated from politics for good because recent coups though short-lived prove otherwise. On the 28th of June 2009, president Zelaya of Honduras was ousted in a military coup because the left- wing leader was seeking a change in the constitution to allow him stand for re-election; arrested in his pyjamas, he was sent into exile in Costa Rica. According to the Guardian (2009), Zelaya described his arrest as a coup and kidnapping. Similarly, short-lived coups in Ecuador and Venezuela shows that the military still has a hold of political affairs. The Ecuadorian coup of January 2000 saw President Jamil Mahud deposed by Ecuadors Indians with the support of military leaders. Also, in 2002 there was a brief seizure of power when Venezuelas Chavez was ousted by the military and detained at an army base. Interestingly, a recent edition of US magazine Newsweek, predicts that this year 2010 will see the fall of Venezuelas Chavez following a coup. In my opinion, the Chavez coup predictions is wishful thinking, the Obama administration will never duplicate what they did in Honduras. A civil war will break out if Chavez is ousted and a war against Venezuela implies a war against Ecuador, Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua and possibly Brazil and Argentina; knowing that if Venezuelas leader is taken out by the US, they will be next. Furthermore, in November 2009 Paraguayan president Fernando Lugo in an attempt to avoid being removed from office via a coup, fired his military chiefs and vowed that he would not be forced out of office before the end of his tenure in 2013. As aforementioned, there is no guarantee that the military will not leave their barracks once again and get involved in political affairs although it cannot be compared to the 20th century when military rule was dominant in Latin America. However, the military is acquiring new roles both nationally and internationally; many of the regions armed forces have become overwhelmingly internationalized providing humanitarian assistance, security and stability needed to ensure political, social and economic development (Ross, 2004) Conclusion The role of the military in 20th century Latin America caused more harm than good; military intervention really made no difference in improving the economy rather resistance began to grow as people became affected by military dictatorship which constantly violated human rights. However, there is the potential for military coups in Latin America today but the risk of their intervention is reduced because of its legacy of the past. Ideally, the role of the military is to provide security and stability rather than harbour political ambitions.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

UFOs Essay -- essays research papers

UFOs "Little Green Men", "Martians", "Outer Limits" ! That is what people think about when aliens and UFOs come to mind. Aliens have been around, as far as we can see, since 1561. The question is now asked, How come because they [UFOs] have been sighted, encountered, and taken hostage; Why have we been kept in the dark by our governments? "Since UFOs were considered a security risk, the report on these sightings was originally classified as secret (Kadrey 22)." The name 'flying saucer' was 'coined' by a Air Force pilot in 1947, when he stated that he had saw something that looked like a 'flying saucer'. "The government knew about UFOs and have been tracking them since 1947, which is to be believed when the 'Age of UFOs' started (Stacey 55). So, through the next pages the theory that UFOs are real because of evidence the government has covered up, the number of sightings, and the uncountable number of abductions, will become a reality. The first reason that is going to be addressed, is the secrecy and Government coverup of UFOs. "National Security Agency, or NSA, an acronym often assumed by insiders to mean 'NEVER SAY ANYTHING' , (Stacey 40) " has been blamed for millions of UFO governmental cover-ups around the nation. "Our problem is with government secrecy, because it widens the gap between citizens and the government, making it much more difficult to participate in the democratic process (Stacey 40)," says Steven Aftergood while addressing UFO secrecy. The UFO enigma, or as it is formerly know as the "'Cosmic Watergate' : the ongoing cover-up of the government's knowledge about extraterrestrial UFOs and their terrestrial activities (Stacey 36)" is believed to be started during the Nixon administration, which is still under alot of scrutiny. The Nixon Administration also established the Freedom of Information Act [FOIA] in the 1970s', it opened the door to alot of truth and more coverups. " I don't think they would do a 300-page report on everything they detect," says Joe Stefula who is a UFO researcher. The "military would far rather have people blame such things on flying saucers than them (Brookesmith 14). " Several secret UFO Projects ... taken back aboard the UFO and flown (with her car also aboard) back to the site of the abduction. (Brookesmith 108) " In conclusion, I believe that UFOs, Aliens, EBEs, or whatever you call them; do have the key to our future in the existence of mankind. Although, secret pacts with our governments may not exactly get what we want, we can fight back. Lets jump back for a second and ask ourselves a question now: What if we were in the same predicament, wouldn't we want ourselves to be healthy too, and take what we need? If we look at the aliens actions from their perspective, what they are doing is exactly what we are doing to ourselves by destroying the o- zone layer. So why can't they do the same to us? I feel that the thesis to prove the existence of UFOs as stated that Government coverups do pose a threat to the truth and national security of our country, UFO sightings and abductions do pose a threat at this time and we must be ready at all odds to expose the Government and The aliens. The End.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Interview Profile Final Beh/225

Final Project 1 Interview Profile Trevor Edwards BEH/225 Hillary Locke Final Project 2 In life everyone has different think and behaviors usually do to how a person is raised during childhood, what they have seen during childhood, or it is inherited through genes that are passed on to them. The person that I have chosen for my interview profile is a female, which is the opposite sex from me because I am a male. I made the decision of choosing a female for my interview because men and women think a little differently in some situations, which I thought, might shed a little light on the difference between the two genders and their thinking. My interviewee and myself age difference is five years apart being that she is twenty five and I am thirty years old. Both the interviewee and I have full time jobs while also going to school to open doors of opportunities that can make our lives better in the future. During the learning process my interviewee can remember information better by reading about behavior better than seeing it, because she can read whatever that she does not understand again to refresh the material to help get a better understanding of the material. She explained to me that when she reads the material she tends to remember the material better because the material seems to set into her brain better than if she see the behavior. She also states that if she sees the behavior there are distractions that can redirect her attention from learning the material, but if she is reading it her attention is set on the material and not other things that might be happening around her that could get her side tracked from what she is learning. I on the other hand like to see the behavior better than I do reading about the behavior because when I see things I tend to understand them better. I think it is because once I see it I know how it operates by seeing it through actions not words. Although words explain Final Project 3 the behavior I found it easier to understand the behavior through seeing the actions because it explains it literally and words can get misinterpreted from time to time. My interviewee likes to study at home instead of going to the library during the learning process. She states that although the library is a nice and quiet place to study which is just the way she likes it to be when she is studying, she might have to either wait to for a computer to open up or she might be using the computer and someone else might have a reservation to use the computer which will boot her off even if she is not done using the computer. She also told me that not everyone in the library abides by and respect library etiquette. She stated that libraries are often flooded with children and teenagers usually after school lets out for the day to get on the computer to do school work, play games, or just hang out because others are there to interact with. As for myself I like to study at home and I do not mind having the television or radio on at a low level in the background because to me it really does not cause a distraction to me. Some people might find things like these to be distractions that would not allow them to think or stay on track during the learning process. I also have to study when there are children or babies crying in the background which does not bother me, but little babies that cry for long periods of time can annoy me and can distract me from studying the material that I need to learn. I also like studying at home because I can stop and take a break to take care of something else I need to get done or just stop for a break to relax for a moment, and then get back to studying with no problem at all. Mainly I think that it comes down to how well a person can block out background noises and if that person Final Project 4 cannot block distractions well then they will not be able to study with things that are in the background and would want it quiet. I asked my interviewee if she has ever taken the Myers Briggs test and her answer was no which a different answer to mine was because I have taken the test before. I asked her if she would be willing to take this test and her response was yes. After taken the test my interviewee thought that the test was accurate from the results of her test because it defined her as a seller which was the same results as mine after I took the test. Both my interviewee and I seem to agree with the results because we both feel that we are sellers or have a seller mentality. I also asked my interviewee if she would recommend any of her friends to take this test to see if they agree with the results and she replied yes because she would want to see how accurate the test really was or if it just told everyone the same thing. I also reminded her that she could take the test more than one time to check the results that a way, but keep in mind that the test is also based on honest answers. I asked my interviewee if she thought that she was self monitoring herself when it came to her attitude and she replied yes because she wants to make the right impression to other people so she tries to recognize what attitude to have in certain situations which I agree with because I think that I am also self monitoring toward my attitude. I am the same way especially when it comes to knowing when to be serious and when to be playful. Most people do care how other people view them and what they think of you as a person. I also asked my interviewee what she thought had the most Final Project 5 influence toward her attitude and she told me that for the most part her family and friends had the most influence toward her attitude. She also stated that sometimes other people’s attitude toward her affected her attitude toward them meaning if they had a poor attitude with her she would more than likely have a poor attitude toward them. As for me I think that my mood and the people around me has the most influence on my attitude because if someone I am around has a negative or positive attitude then their attitude affects my attitude and I will more than likely have the same attitude as them in the long run, but for the most part if someone has a negative attitude I try to keep my attitude positive. When it comes to race, gender, and ethnicity my interviewee and I think that they play a role when it comes to developing a person’s personality and attitude. We both agree that people of different race, gender, and ethnicity think and behave differently in the same situation because of how they were raised or how they are treated in certain situations. There are some things that another race or gender might find funny in a situation, but someone of a different race or gender may not find funny in that same situation. When it comes to people performing tasks my interviewee and I agree that in most cases we are motivated by both intrinsically and extrinsically, but for the most part we both feel that the intrinsically motivation is what drives us both the most. Everyone likes to be rewarded for doing a good job or completing a task before the dead line. The main thing is that the greatest reward is when you complete a task and feeling proud of your accomplishment all because of your hard work and not because of a reward or to avoid a punishment. So intrinsic motivation is the best form of motivation in both my Final Project 6 interviewee’s eyes and mine as well, but extrinsic motivation is just a bonus most of the time because what is a person going to do when they have to perform a task without any extrinsic motivation? Final Project 7 Reference: Brophy, Jere (1997). Motivating students to learn. Guilford. CT: McGraw-Hill. (ISBN:0070081980). Dennis Coon's Psychology: Exploration and Application, West, 1989, pages 463-464. Morris, C. G. , ; Maisto, A. A. (2002). Psychology: An introduction (12th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Homosexuality in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde essays

Homosexuality in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde essays It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. This quote from Austins Pride and Prejudice, while being sarcastic and facetious, is truly indicative of the societal expectations placed on men in Victorian society. This is the very belief that is subverted and challenged in Robert Louis Stevensons Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The conflict in his novel is over the dominant conception of the professional upper-middle class Victorian man and his professed masculinity. Not only are the men in this novel all bachelors, but there also appears to be an air of homoerotic tension pervading their tight knit social circle. Stevenson provides several other symbols that lend a homoerotic interpretation to the novel. The discussion of the blackmail house between Mr. Utterson and his kinsman Richard Enfield, the description of the door leading into the blackmail house, and the depiction of Utterson and Poole, Dr. Jekylls butler, breaking into the lab. Blackmail in the Victorian period was commonly associated with homosexuality, and in fact, instituted to deal with homosexual liaisons. Enfields nickname for Dr. Jekylls laboratory, blackmail house, supports the underlying homoerotic themes pervading The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Relating the incident to Utterson in which Hyde uses a check signed with Jekylls name, Enfield says, Black mail, I suppose; an honest man paying through the nose for some of the capers of his youth. Black Mail House is what I call that place with the door, in consequence. Though even that, you know, is far from explaining it all (Stevenson 11). Enhancing the homosexual aura surrounding the blackmail house is the description of the door leading into the house. The door, which was equipped with neither bell nor knocker, was blistered and disdained. [It] bore in every...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

A Guide to Italian Pronunciation for Beginners

A Guide to Italian Pronunciation for Beginners Italian pronunciation might pose some difficulties for the beginner. Yet it is very regular, and once the rules are understood it is easy to pronounce each word correctly. Knowing where to put the correct stress or how to have proper inflection and intonation can help you come closer to understanding Italian. Most important, to improve your Italian, fare la pratica con la bocca (exercise your mouth)! The Italian ABCs Twenty-one letters  are all it takes to produce the sweet, lyrical language affectionately called la bella lingua (the beautiful language). Using the Roman alphabet and with the addition of acute and grave accents, native Italian speakers are able to argue passionately about the favorite soccer team, discuss the latest elections, or order gnocchi genovese while sounding like characters in a Verdi opera. What happened to the other five letters that are common in other language using the Roman alphabet? Theyre found in foreign words that have infiltrated Italian and are pronounced approximately as they are in the original language. Pronouncing Consonants Most Italian consonants are similar in pronunciation to their English counterparts; the consonants c and g are the only exceptions because they vary according the letters that follow them. In Italian, double consonants are pronounced much more forcefully than single consonants. Although it may not be obvious at first, a trained ear will notice the difference. Make it a point to listen to native speakers pronounce these words. Common single and double consonant words in Italian include cane (dog) / canne (canes), casa (house) / cassa (trunk), papa (pope) / pappa (bread soup), and sera (evening) / serra (greenhouse). Pronouncing Vowels Italian vowels are short, clear cut, and are never drawn out- the glide with which English vowels frequently end should be avoided. It should be noted that a, i, and u are always pronounced the same way; e and o, on the other hand, have an open and a closed sound that may vary from one part of Italy to the other. Pronouncing Italian Words For help in spelling and pronouncing words in Italian, heres a simple rule: What you hear is what you get. Italian is a phonetic language, which means most words are pronounced as they are written. The Italian words cane, mane, and pane will always rhyme (compare the English triplet chalice, police, and lice, and you will see that youve got it easy). Another point to keep in mind is enunciation. Native Italian speakers open their mouths wide- not just to shout, but to get those big, round, vowel sounds. For example, if you want to pronounce the Italian letter a, just open wide and say aahh! Practicing Italian Pronunciation If you want to learn how to prepare bruschetta or bistecca alla fiorentina, you can read a cookbook- but your guests will remain hungry. You have to get in the kitchen, fire up the grill, and start slicing and dicing. Likewise, if you want to speak Italian with the correct rhythm, tone, and intonation, you have to talk. And talk and talk and talk until your mouth  is numb and your brain hurts. So make it a point to listen and repeat Italian- whether you purchase a CD or listen to an Italian podcast, watch Italian TV on your computer via broadband, or visit Italy- because you cant eat a description of minestrone alla milanese, and you cant speak Italian without opening your mouth

Monday, November 4, 2019

Chewing and Sound Localization Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Chewing and Sound Localization - Research Paper Example Sound localization is the ability of a listener to identify the source or origin of a sound, in this paper we focus on the factors affecting sound localization, this study is performed to establishing whether chewing has an effect on sound localization. Chewing leads to head movements that may affect sound localization, according to previous studies undertaken head movements affect sound localization. This paper analysis response from ten participants whose sound localization errors were recorded while and while not chewing, data collected helped test the hypothesis whether chewing affected localization. The following is an analysis of research undertaken by scholars in the past and the results of the study. Many studies have been undertaken in the past regarding sound localization, however majority of this studies have been undertaken with immobilized heads and very few have been undertaken while respondents were chewing. A study by Wallach (1939) showed that head movements affected sound localization, in his study participants were allowed to rotate their head, tip their head and even pivoting. Results show that head movements affected sound localization by participants. However it was also evident that the sound moved with the head. Mangles and Runge (1967) sound localization study results showed that Monaural is as good as binaural when movements were allowed, participants were a... Hypothesis and prediction The hypothesis that was tested is whether chewing have any effect on ability to detect the direction of sound, the null hypothesis is that chewing has no effect on sound localization and the alternative hypothesis is that chewing increased the mean error score for localization. We test this hypothesis by performing a T test that will compare the two means from the two tests, we expect that we will reject the null hypothesis that the two means are equal and accept the alternative hypothesis that states that the two means are not equal. Null hypothesis: a = b where a is the mean error score for localization for test one and two are equal and alternative hypothesis a b or a Methods: In order to test our hypothesis a sample of ten individuals was randomly selected. The sample was further subdivided into two groups which included those would first chew and data collected and then data recorded with the absence of chewing. For the other group data was to be collected without chewing and then data would be collected while chewing. The experiment was carried out using MAT LB computer software, participants sat in front of a computer and given headphones, they were then asked to locate the source of sound 180 degrees in front. The condition was that the participants would chew and then stop chewing and then they were allowed five minutes where they would continue with the second condition which is no chewing and then chew. For each of these two conditions

Saturday, November 2, 2019

BUYER BEHAVIOUR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

BUYER BEHAVIOUR - Essay Example to as consumer behaviour is an essential component of marketing because it helps in the determination of pricing incentives, mode of advertising and brand differentiation among others. This paper therefore seeks to identify and illustrate the concepts that facilitate understanding of buyer behaviour as well as evaluate the various models or theories of buyer behaviour with close association with the concept of neuroscience. Another area that will be looked at is the area of decision making process in consumption that gives rise to the various types of consumer purchases. To begin, buyer behaviour generally refers the process in which consumers take in order to make decisions on acquiring certain goods or services for their own use. Consumer buying behaviour is therefore a multi-staged process that involves the identification of a specific need and even goes beyond the consumption stage to an evaluation one. It is for this reason that consumers are likely or unlikely to consume one product as opposed to the other in cases where there is indifference between two products. The consumer buying process is a complex one because of the influences it relies on and the characteristics of human diversity that makes us act differently. Some research studies have also indicated that the buying behaviour can also be linked to neuroscience. It is therefore important to understand the process of consumer buying behaviour as shall be discussed in the following section. The consumer buying decision-making process model adopts a five stage interconnected process that illustrates how individuals or consumer groups will always conduct themselves before and after purchase of a product or a service (Riley 1). The first stage is the need identification and problem awareness stage. At this stage, an individual identifies a need within him or her that needs to be satisfied. The utilitarian theory has been associated with this stage of decision making. Since an individual identifies that